If you have been charged with any crime, it can be a scary and frustrating experience. Nate Jeppsen provides aggressive Criminal Defense at reasonable rates including Free Initial Consultations. We are experienced defending clients in cases involving DUI's, simple traffic offenses, misdemeanors, and all levels of felonies including both state and federal charges.
Law enforcement and prosecutors are essential to the safety of our society. However, they very often make mistakes in charging innocent Defendants. In addition, they frequently levy additional charges that are unwarranted, even if there is evidence that a violation of the law has occurred. Often your Constitutional rights are violated in the course of a traffic stop, criminal investigation, arrest, or interrogation .
We advise clients not to plead guilty to a charge or talk to law enforcement until they have discussed their case with an attorney. After we have been retained by a client, we immediately request copies and inventories of all the evidence that the State relied on in charging you. Our attorney carefully reviews with you all of the evidence and identify all witnesses and information to benefit your case. We give you frank advice about the strength of the State's case and all of our defenses and potential defenses including motions to exclude evidence based on violations of your rights.
Nate Jeppsen always attempts to work with prosecutors to have the charges dismissed prior to trial by presenting them with the evidence supporting your innocence or of violation of your rights by law enforcement. At times this effort can result in a plea agreement being offered that significantly reduces the charges and potential sentences. In some circumstances we can negotiate an agreement that keeps the charges off your record by complying with certain requirements. Other times some or all of the charges are dismissed after the prosecutor realizes he cannot prove the charges against you, or is unable to use evidence because of police misconduct.
In cases that cannot be resolved prior to trial, we work hard to ensure that we present all relevant defenses and witnesses at your trial, that your rights are protected. In the event of a plea agreement or trial that results in any conviction, we guide you through the sentencing process to ensure a fair sentencing and helping you to minimize sanctions, fines, and potential jail time.